But before that, we made two stops.
The first was to walk among the original houses built by the Mormons on the so called Mormon row. When the few Mormon families settled here the valley, or hole, became civilized. It is said that before they came this place was wild and unruly. Only hunters, trappers and so called wild men lived here. You can imagine.
The houses that remain are quite dilapidated, but beautiful nonetheless. You can't go in, that would probably be life threatening, but you can really imagine what life must have been like here just by walking among the houses, skipping over many buffalo chips, and peering inside.
The outhouse was the real deal. You can actually go in this one and get a real good look at the 'facility'. Whew!
Our next stop was the main visitor center where we did more sketching and watched a movie about the park -
And some rock climbing too.
FInally we made it to Jenny Lake where we were treated to yet another alpine view!
About a mile into the hike, Whirlwind announced that his muscles were tearing and he couldn't walk anymore. So, back to the car he and I went while the others continued a while longer.
Nothing like a post hike head dip in the ice cold water to finish off the day!
sooooooo beautiful. can i come with you next summer?