Analyzer loved grabbing her book and heading outside every morning to read in the sunshine -
Whirlwind, on the other hand, likes to stay inside more than the other two playing with his toys, easier for me I think :-)
One of his favorite games is 'Somebody'.
"I'm missing my pancreas Mom!"
I don't know what we were looking at here, some wild animal no doubt, but I love the shot.
Our home and the hills behind it, as viewed form our canoe ride -
Also spotted but not caught on 'film' were bald eagles and ospreys - both nested around the lake and absolutely magnificent!
Not the best shot of me, but darn it if Inventor doesn't look cute! :-)
Analyzer at the helm. A better steerer than I am any day!
I had mentioned the controlled burn earlier. Well, we ran out of our RV when we heard a helicopter approaching and sure enough it came to take water from the lake to help control the fire! It was pretty cool to watch!
One more sight we were treated to on our second to last day at Slide Lake: A black bear! No, no pics, but we watched it climb down the mountainside, cross the road and head down into our campground! Remaining by the truck and RV, we waited, watched and listened. Suddenly, we heard a very loud, and close by, ROAR!!! Instantly we hopped in the truck, locked doors and began a slow drive around the campground to see if we could find the luck. Or maybe, yes luck.....He (she?) was not seen by us again.
And that was the Tetons folks!
We did have one more stop to make, on our way out though......That shall be the subject of the next entry though.
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