So the original plan was to start heading up to the Tetons, but: As we are uber flexible these days, combined with a *really* late start (those in the know may now laugh) combined with a sneak peak at the Flaming Gorge in Utah as we drove through it, convinced us to hang around for at least a night. And that night turned into two.
But before we got to the Gorge, we made an important stop at the local library in Vernal. There, the kids pulled books off the shelves and we pulled out our computers for wireless! Ahhhhh, wireless......Of course we can't check books out of local libraries, but we can enjoy the books while we're there. Analyzer manages to finish entire book/s during our visits, depending on the amount of time we spend there. Oh, and speaking of reading, I picked up a used book there for 10 cents. We've also been doing reading on the Kindle for Mac software we downloaded, it's pretty cool. Yes, we did bring books with us, mainly kid's books, but how many times can they read the same things over and over again? Variety when you can get it good. Libraries will continue to be important stops on our trip, whether we're somewhere for a day or longer. We so miss our libraries back home....
Anyway, back to the trip - which was gorgeous BTW!
Once at the Gorge we drove through one campsite where S ended up talking with the host. She told us about a great spot elsewhere at the Gorge that’s right by the water and has very few people, so off we went. It pays to talk to people. Go figure!
On our way to our soon to be campsite we spotted the Flaming Gorge dam, kinda hard to miss, and decided we needed to head back the next day for the tour. Anyway, found our spot, down what seemed like a very l-o-n-g and bumpy dirt road (some cabinets flew open in the process but nothing disastrous occured, thankfully!).
Took us at least 45 minutes to back into our site. If it wasn’t for the help of our hosts I think we never would have made it, or we would have been trying all night......
The site was indeed spectacular. View of the Crystal clear water, the sage brush covered prairie and the antelope munching on their dinner. And quiet quiet quiet. At least until we got there....We liked it so much we decided then and there to stay at least two nights. On the third morning we packed up and left but ended up regretting it. We should have stayed at least another night. Oh well.
Watching the antelope while having breakfast smoothies -

While there we also enjoyed swimming in the cold water, watermelon by the lake and a short trip back to the aforementioned dam....
Feeding the fish at the bottom of the dam overlooking the river - those are some pretty fat and lazy fish!
The lake side of the dam -
Oh! Almost forgot the quote of the week here! On our first evening there, S took the boys over to chat with the occupants of another RV on the premises. An older retired proper couple from Texas who had just come down from Yellowstone and the Tetons. They had a nice chat and S got some decent advice. After 20 minute of exchanging pleasantries it was time to leave. They said their goodbyes, turned to go, the old man began walking up the stairs to his RV when Wirlwind suddenly turned around and pointed at the old man’s face and shouted: “You have yellow teeth!”. The old man startled as S explained to Whirlwind that we don’t say things like that. The party began to depart again, the old man was about to shut his door when Inventor turned his head and shouted: “Don’t forget to brush!”.
Thank goodness they packed up and left the next morning so we didn’t have to look them in the eye. Whether or not they left because of us we’ll never know....... ;-)
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