Waiting for one of the larger geysers to erupt. Didn't happen.
A hot, acid, bacteria laden waterfall.....Yes, there is life in the river despite the acid flow!
Head first.....
Trying to get a closer look without falling in....
There's a hot spring out there surrounded by circles and circles of thermophiles.
I know you're just so anxious to see what these bacteria mats look like face to face, so here you go!
Taking it all in......they were all truly fascinated and can tell you exactly what's going on out there!
Analyzer working on her young scientist book to earn her patch.
Watching a mechanical geyser at work from the inside out, at the visitor center -
Enjoying an open meadow while a picnic dinner is prepared.....
I realized poor Labra didn't get much coverage so far, so here's his moment of fame!
As we worked our way from West Yellowstone to the north entrance of the park we stopped and visited a few more geysers.
Here we are, watching the tallest geyser in the world, not erupting. We could have waited, but you never know if it'll be 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 YEARS!
As we wound our way out the north entrance we drove by the Travertine terraces of Mammoth Springs that we would see tomorrow. Once again we were in Montana!
It was getting late and we were driving in search of a campsite that according to our map, existed. Well, after driving for about an hour here and there with no luck, we were told of another campsite that hopefully had room but it was up a very steep hill with a gravel road....not having much choice, we went in search of it.
Indeed, it was quite the road, and then, quite the ordeal parking. Not because it was a difficult site, no, it was extremely large and easy to maneuver in. However, it was sloped at various spots. Not having thought about this ahead of time (newbie slap on the head! Duh!), we parked, lowered jacks, secured tires and such, a whole process that can take a good 15 minutes start to finish. Well, come to realize once we went inside, that the whole RV was sloped....So, we moved it. Not to a different site, but to a different location in the same site. This time, we were straight and great! But.....S decided he didn't like that we were parked on an angle with our rear facing downhill (yes, you can be parked on an angle but not have the RV actually sloping with it, it depends on how you level it).....after going back and forth about it we decided it would be ok if we secured it better. So, another 30 minutes went in to securing the tires and placing large boulders in back of them so we wouldn't find ourselves rolling down into someone's tent in the middle of the night....
The kids during all this were remarkable. Thankfully the area was beautiful and space plentiful that they could explore and run around in.
We had a cute little babbling brook right behind our RV -
Analyzer also worked on teaching Whirlwind how to write his numbers -
Tomorrow, yet more exploration!
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